Professional Photoshop 5

By Dan Margulis

Professional Photoshop 5
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"This book is the last word on CMYK color in Photoshop...This guy is a bona fide CMYK genius."-David Biedny, world's leading Photoshop RGB expert and creator of "Photoshop Inside & Out" video training series, and Bert Monroy and Nathan Moody Photoshop Channel Chops

"A definitive book for anyone concerned with using Photoshop to produce great-looking photographs."-Michael Kieran, author of The Color Scanning Success Handbook and Understanding Desktop Color

All the filters, selection techniques, and other bells and whistles won't matter if you can't make the image look good in print. When the first edition of Professional Photoshop published, it not only changed the workflow of professional photographers and retouchers, but also attracted non-experts with its intuitive, interactive approach.

This fully revised edition continues emphasizing by-the-numbers correction, and teaches:
* Use of CMYK curves to boost detail where it's needed most
* Precision control of unsharp masking
* Channel blending to build contrast
* The pivotal role of the black plate
* Control of every facet of the separation process
* How to cope with the new color settings of Photoshop 5
* The unwanted color and how to exploit it
* The power of correction in the LAB colorspace
* How to handle prescreened originals
* Converting color originals into snappy black and whites
* Restoration of older, damaged artwork
* Duotones and other uses of spot colors

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