Commemorate a special accomplishment or event with the timeless King James Version to be treasured for years to come. Published in Thomas Nelson's exclusive KJV Comfort Print type, which was designed to be the most readable at any size.
The KJV Deluxe Gift Bible is perfect for personal use or to give as a gift to celebrate special occasions like graduations, baptisms, birthdays, or achievements. This beautifully crafted Bible features Leathersoft covers, gilded edges, ribbon markers, and the new Thomas Nelson KJV Font. Additional features include a special presentation page, the words of Christ in red, full-color maps, charts, and an easy-to-use dictionary-concordance.
Invite your eyes to linger and engage God's Word with new, easy-to-read Comfort Print® KJV Bibles from Thomas Nelson. Blending modern technology with old-world craftsmanship, Comfort Print® KJV Bibles are designed with exclusive fonts, reflecting the beautiful and timeless character of the King James translation, to enhance your scripture reading experience.
Features Include: