This unique text for undergraduate and master's-level social work and counseling courses on loss, grief, and bereavement is distinguished by its biopsychosocial perspective and developmental framework. The book addresses grieving patterns and intervention strategies according to the life trajectory and provides clinical intervention tools and strategies for coping according to the developmental stage of an individual. It incorporates losses beyond death loss, with special focus on losses related to maturational development. The second edition reflects new research that has clarified and underscored the value of theories examined in the first editionóparticularly in the areas of continued bonds, disenfranchised grief, and ambiguous grief. It describes how grieving is influenced by biological responses to stress, psychological responses to loss, and social norms and support networks.
The second edition includes significant new information on trauma and resilience and addresses the use of mindfulness practices with grief and loss. It focuses on the changing role of technology including expressions of grief and loss in social media and public forums. Updated information is provided regarding hospice and palliative care as well as housing issues in aging. A completely new chapter examines grief and loss counseling with emerging adults, and updates regarding changes in the DSM-5 are included. Additional new features include chapter objectives, discussion questions, and updated resources, and an Instructor's Manual and PowerPoint slides are available for download.
New to the Second Edition:
Key Features: