Field Guide to the Broad-leaved Herbaceous Plants of South Texas

By J. H. Everitt, Dale Lynn Drawe, Robert I. Lonard

Field Guide to the Broad-leaved Herbaceous Plants of South Texas
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Broad-leaved herbaceous plants (forbs) belong to a category of plants often overlooked and undervalued by the landowner. These plants include those commonly referred to as wildflowers and weeds. To the wildlife manager and naturalist, these plants are recognized as one of the most important groups in the plant world because of their value to the animal community. Ranchers and range managers, natural resource and wildlife management personnel, scientists, and anyone interested in the flora of southern Texas will be able to use this guide to identify many of the herbaceous plant species in this region. Information provided on the ecological characteristics of the plants will be useful to help develop sound land management programs. This field guide includes the most commonly encountered plants that are of importance to wildlife, livestock, and man that occur in southern Texas. Some 185 species, encompassing 143 genera and 51 families of forbs, are represented, excluding grasses and grass-like plants (sedges). Most of the plants are native to the region, but some introduced species are also included. Each species account contains a color photograph, family name, scientific and common names, distinguishing characteristics, ecological information, and comments about wildlife and livestock use. Keys to the families, genera, and species assist identification. Although focusing on plants that occur in southern Texas, the extensive ranges of many of the represented species make it a useful reference for plants in other areas of Texas, the southwestern United States, and northern Mexico.

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