Evening Street Review is published in the spring and fall of every year by Evening Street Press. United States subscription rates are $24 for one year and $44 for two years (individuals), and $32 for one year and $52 for two years (institutions).
ISBN: 978-1-937347-06-2
Evening Street Review is centered on the belief that all men and women are created equal, that they have a natural claim to certain inalienable rights, and that among these are the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. With this center, and an emphasis on writing that has both clarity and depth, it practices the widest eclecticism. Evening Street Review reads submissions of poetry (free verse, formal verse, and prose poetry) and prose (short stories and creative nonfiction) year round. Submit 3-6 poems or 1-2 prose pieces at a time. Payment is one contributor’s copy. Copyright reverts to author upon publication. Response time is 3-6 months. Please address submissions to Editors, 2881 Wright St, Sacramento, CA 95821-5232. Email submissions are also acceptable; send to the following address as Microsoft Word or rich text files (.rtf): editor@eveningstreetpress.com.
For submission guidelines, subscription information, selected works, and news, please visit our website at www.eveningstreetpress.com.
Cover: Courage. Some women and some men in Pakistan remembering the death by assassination of the first woman prime minister of a Muslim country, Benazir Bhutto, 12/27/2007. Islamabad, capital of Pakistan, 12/27/2011.
Behind them, ruins in the city of Hamburg, Germany, from Allied bombing, 1944.
© Copyright 2012 by Evening Street Press. All rights revert to author upon publication.