The Roman army between the Alps and the Adriatic

By Lorenzo Cigaina, Maurizio Buora, Tiziana Cividini, Elena Di Filippo Balestrazzi, Alberto Vigoni, Federico Bernardini, Giacomo Vinci, Boštjan Laharnar, Beatriče Žbona Trkman†, Davide Redaelli, Christian Gugl, Wolfgang Neubauer, Erich Nau, Renate Jernej, Dino Demicheli, Branka Migotti, Emanuela Murgia, Ivan Radman-Livaja, Vlatka Vukelić, Marjeta Šašel Kos

The Roman army between the Alps and the Adriatic
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The results of the international collaboration of the three institutions from Austria, Italy and Slovenia (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Università degli studi di Udine and Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Inštitut za arheologijo of Ljubljana) are being published in the Studia Alpium et Adriae series.

New discoveries and the re-examination of old ones is offering new insights into the Roman army and the historical questions related to its presence and activity in the regions of the northern Adriatic and the eastern Alps. The first volume of Studia Alpium et Adriae contains the contributions of twenty-one authors from four countries (Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and Austria) who present the results of their work conducted in recent years within different research groups and projects.

The book titled The Roman army between the Alps and the Adriatic spans the time from the beginnings of the Roman conquest to the Late Roman period (1st century BC – 5th century AD) in Regio X of Italy and parts of the Roman provinces of Noricum, Pannonia Superior and Dalmatia. The contributions tackle the questions of the chronology and strategy of the Roman conquest, the architecture of the military posts, as well as the remains of weapons and military equipment, while the inscriptions on stones reveal the origins of the soldiers, the methods of recruitment, the movements of the army units and the settlement of the veterans. The chapters of the book follow a geographical order, from west to east, beginning at Aquileia, which was the starting point for the military operations in the period of conquest and later served as the point of defence against the incursions from the east. The last chapters deal with the questions pertaining to the role of the Roman army in Pannonia.

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Serija Studia Alpium et Adriae predstavlja rezultate mednarodnega sodelovanja treh ustanov Avstrije, Italije in Slovenije (Univerze Alpe-Adria v Celovcu, Univerze v Vidmu in Znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra SAZU – Inštituta za arheologijo iz Ljubljane).

Nedavna odkritja in ponovno proučevanje starih najdb so omogočila nove poglede na rimsko vojsko in zgodovinska vprašanja, povezana z vojaškimi aktivnostmi v zaledju severnega Jadrana in v vzhodnih Alpah. Knjiga Rimska vojska med Alpami in Jadranom (The Roman army between the Alps and the Adriatic) in hkrati prvi zvezek Studia Alpium et Adriae vsebuje prispevke enaindvajsetih avtorjev iz štirih dežel (Italije, Slovenije, Hrvaške in Avstrije). V njej so predstavljeni rezultati raziskav, ki so potekale v zadnjih letih v okviru različnih raziskovalnih skupin in projektov.

Delo obsega obdobje od začetkov rimskega osvajanja do pozne rimske dobe (1. st. pr. n. št. do 5. st. n. št.) na prostoru Desete italske regije in v delih rimskih provinc Norika, Zgornje Panonije in Dalmacije. Prispevki se dotikajo vprašanj o kronologiji in strategiji rimskega osvajanja, arhitekturi vojaških postojank, ostankih orožja in vojaške opreme. Epigrafski spomeniki razkrivajo izvor vojakov, načine rekrutiranja, premike vojaških enot in naselitev veteranov. Poglavja v knjigi si sledijo po geografskem zaporedju, od zahoda proti vzhodu, z začetkom v Akvileji, ki je bila izhodišče za vojaške operacije v obdobju osvajanja, pozneje pa branik pred vpadi z vzhoda. Zadnja poglavja so posvečena vlogi rimske vojske v Panoniji.

Članki so napisani v angleškem in italijanskem jeziku.