"This valuable book makes sense of how food and eating may be misused and become entangled with emotions as a way of dealing with them."
Dr Helena Fox - Clinical Psychiatrist for Channel 4’s Supersize vs Superskinny and for the eating disorders unit at Capio Nightingale Hospital
"I have never read such an interesting and thought provoking book on eating disorders such as this. For practitioners reading this publication, I feel it illustrates successfully the clinical significance of the biopsychosocial aspects of eating disorders such as the role of the mother or caregiver (s), the environment of the patient's upbringing and how their self identity is later affected and challenged through self medicating with food or using food or lack of as punishment for their self perceived worthlessness."
Dr H L E Garrod MBPsS, BA (Hons), MA, MSc, P Grad.Dip, D CounsPsych Chartered Counselling Psychologist
"Highly recommended for anyone who is interested in understanding why diets do not work and how to move on from the pattern of emotional eating."
Professor John McLeod - Professor of Counselling at the University of Abertay Dundee
Are you eating more than you should? Trapped in a constant cycle of dieting? Perpetually anxious about your weight, shape and size? Many of us fight an ongoing battle with food.
Understanding Your Eating can help you if the way you use food bothers you and you feel it is beyond your control. Author Julia Buckroyd uses the term disordered eating rather than eating disorders, to reach out to everyone who is distressed and miserable about food.
Understanding Your Eating will help you become more aware of your feelings towards food, understand your emotional eating, and explore the reasons behind your challenges, so that you can find other ways of managing your day-to-day experiences.