Infection Control & Management of Hazardous Materials for the Dental Team

By Chris H. Miller, Charles John Palenik

Infection Control & Management of Hazardous Materials for the Dental Team
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This comprehensive text addresses the issues of controlling the spread of disease agents and maintaining safety in the dental office. It emphasizes the basic concepts of infectious disease and the actual practice of infection control, and describes the specific procedures used and the supplies and equipment needed for disease prevention and office safety. Written at a level appropriate for the entire dental team, the book reflects the new legislation passed for the protection of dental patients and dental workers, and shows how these mandates have changed the way dental care is provided.
  • Logical organization of topics allows better comprehension and enhanced readability.
  • The inclusion of tables, boxes, and illustrations helps to reinforce important information.
  • Microbiology and other basic topics are covered, with descriptions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and the development of infectious diseases, oral microbial diseases, and bloodborne disease agents.
  • Bloodborne pathogens are discussed, including hepatitis, HIV, and tuberculosis.
  • The text addresses how diseases are spread, and how the spread of disease can be prevented.
  • Detailed information is provided on office management, including the office safety program, how to manage chemicals, and how to prepare and implement a fire/emergency action plan.
  • Content has been updated to reflect new laws, regulations and procedures.
  • Two completely new chapters have been added: About the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and Infection control concerns during remodeling/construction.
  • More "step-by-step" procedure boxes are featured, giving detailed instructions on how to perform procedures such as instrument processing, following up on a sterilization failure, and the use of surface covers.
  • Appendix C, CDC guidelines for infection control in dental health care settings 2003, reflects the most up-to-date information available.
  • Added is Appendix G, on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996.
  • Review questions are added at the end of each chapter, with answers in the back of the book.
  • A detailed outline is now included at the beginning of each chapter.
  • Key terms are included at the beginning of each chapter, and bolded upon first mention.
  • New illustrations and a two-color design have been added.

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