
By G. Nagaraj

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The book serves as a major source of information on all the cultivated oilseeds and major tree borne and minor oilseeds grown globally. Composition, characteristics, properties and utility of different oilseeds and their constituents, namely, oil, protein, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and Phytochemical in food and non-food sectors including medicine has been covered in detail. The book also deals with post-harvest technology and processing of oilseeds to obtain good quality products like vegetable oil and oilcakes. The processing aspects like ghani, expeller, extrusion, solvent, and SC-CO2 extraction along with the refining of oils have been discussed. Oilseeds and their quality especially, the nutritional quality of oils, oilcakes, oleo-chemicals and preparation of edible products from groundnut, soybean sesame, sunflower, Niger and coconut have been discussed and presented in the book. Anti-nutrients, when present interfere with the digestion process as also the health of humans and animals. Hence methods of reduction/removal of anti-nutrients like phenolics, protease inhibitors, ricin, glucosinolates and aflatoxins etc. have also been covered in detail in the book. Evaluation of quality is important for understanding and utilization of any commodity. Keeping this aspect in view, methods of analysis of oil, protein, sugars, minerals, vitamins and anti-nutrients have been presented in the chapter on procedures. This book is thus is a comprehensive coverage of all aspects of oilseeds and their quality. It will be highly useful to students, researchers, producers, processors and policy planners.

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