Science projects have never been so exciting!
Every year, 6,000 middle schoolstudents are nominated for the Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge, the only competition of its kind for students in grades 5 to 8. Of those 6,000 students, 40 finalists are chosen and brought to Washington, D.C., for a week of intense science "challenges" in various science disciplines. The challenges are televised on the Discovery Channel, and the winning teams and individuals are presented with science awards and prizes.
This book follows some of the students selected for the Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge and includes colorful descriptions of how the teams solved the challenges, inspiring profiles of the winners, tips on preparing science projects, and dozens of winning project ideas that kids can use to inspire their own awesome science projects! Taking Science to the Extreme! shows kids how they can be part of the Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge and learn to think and have fun like a real scientist.
Rosanna Hansen is the author of many books for children and young adults and a former publisher at Troll and Reader’s Digest.