The Next Level

By Youth Specialties

The Next Level
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With the NEXT Level Youth Leader's Kit, you can help your junior and senior highers see the apostles -- and themselves -- in a whole new light. Inside this Kit are -- - 6 student journals (including commitment cards) . . . The NEXT Level Spiritual Challenge Journal is a 30-day adventure through 30 traits of disciples as we read about them in the New Testament. They're not all pretty. But they're all the marks of a disciple. Each day's pages include a discipleship event from the Bible . . . A teenager's first-person commentary on the day's traits . . . Obvious and not-so-obvious lessons from the day's readings . . . Journaling questions . . . And through it all, lots of opportunities (sometimes controversial, always compelling) for small-group discussions or personal pondering. Written by Mike Yaconelli, a writer and speaker not known for shying away from the intersection of real life and real faith -- a junction that's often messy and always redemptive. - Leader's guide . . . 4 complete teaching sessions on discipleship to reinforce what kids are reading and writing in their journals every day -- sessions that explore what it means for 21st-century students to be disciples of Jesus on campus . . . At the mall . . . With parents . . . As outsiders . . . Or in front of the mirror. All sessions include Bible studies, games, handouts, and high-interest discussion-starters right out of your kids' day-to-day experiences. Plus loads of other attention-getting ideas for customizing these meetings for your own youth group -- whether for large meetings or small groups. - Music CD . . . From Benson Records, a collection of today's hottest, edgiest Christian music -- with in-your-face lyrics that dare your kids to get serious about discipleship -- Three Crosses - Between Thieves - Third Day - FFH - Plankeye - Out of Eden - Massivivid - Buck - Common Children - All Star United - Supertones - 180 - Jennifer Knapp -- And to reinforce your teaching sessions, lyrics from some of these songs are woven right into the curriculum. - 4-color promotional poster . . . A vibrant image that dares your students to explore -- and then live -- a disciple's life.

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