
By Serena Ferrara

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In this unique study, Serena Ferrara examines the revolutionary impact of the Steadicam on filmmaking.

The Steadicam has freed-up the camera operator to follow a film's movement, wherever it is happening. Serena Ferrara explains the principles by which the Steadicam is operated and the impact it has on filmmaking, including the effects it can produce on screen, on a film's narrative, on its audience, and on the director's creativity.

Also featured are interviews with movie industry professionals, in which a variety of views of the Steadicam are presented in an open discussion. Interviewees include:

Garrett Brown
Giuseppe Rotunno
John Carpenter
Mario Orfini
Larry McConkey
Nicola Pecorini
Haskell Wexler
Ed DiGiulio
Vittorio Storaro
Caroline Goodall

Anyone involved in, or fascinated by, the process of filmmaking with find this an enlightening and inspirational study.