Self-Managed Networks, Systems, and Services

By Alexander Keller

Self-Managed Networks, Systems, and Services
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This volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series contains all the papers accepted for presentationat the second IEEE InternationalWorkshopon Self-Managed Networks, Systems and Services (SelfMan 2006), which was held at University College Dublin, Ireland on June 16, 2006. This workshop follows up on a very successful edition that took place last year in Nice, France. The online proceedings of SelfMan 2005 are available at The objectives of this year's edition were to bring together people from d- ferent communities (networking, distributed systems, softwareengineering, P2P, service engineering, distributed arti?cial intelligence, robotics, etc.) and cro- pollinatetheir experienceindesigningandimplementingself-managednetworks, systems and services. We received 51 papers from 21 countries, of which 12 were selected. The - ceptance ratio was below 24%. In addition, we selected three work-in-progress papers for short presentations. This one-day event was structured so as to - courage discussions and foster collaborations. The breadth of the topics presented herein re?ects the current interest and developments in this rapidly growing?eld. It is also a testimony to the promises of self-management to design, operate and manage today's increasingly complex and heterogeneous networks, systems and services.