Where do we go from here? TIME brings you a visually inspiring exploration of humankind's speculation about the afterlife, from the Christian view of heaven to its myriad spiritual and literary versions: Valhalla, Nirvana, Shangri-La and many other concepts of paradise. The quest is not just a spiritual one, but a scientific and eyewitness journey as well. Fully 85% of Americans believe in heaven, according to Gallup, and now TIME takes you on an unforgettable quest into what it may look like.
Our quest for understanding the afterlife include:
- What are the common elements (and key differences) in how cultures around the world view the afterlife?
- Ware Near-death Experiences and why do so many people report similar accounts?
- Do we have a psychological need to believe in life after death?
- How did the biblical version of heaven take shape?
- What are the best literary depictions of heaven, from "Pardiso" by Dante to "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold.