A Short History of the Middle Ages Volume I is an affordable, succinct narrative overview of medieval history from c.300 to c.1150. This edition includes a new feature--"Seeing the Middle Ages"--as well as 26 color maps, 40 plates (almost all in color), five figures, genealogies, and appendices of rulers. Students and others who wish to test their knowledge of each chapter will find study questions at www.rosenweinshorthistory.com. The website also reproduces the maps, genealogies, lists of popes and emperors, and glossary found in this edition.
The one-volume format of A Short History of the Middle Ages, covering medieval history from c.300 to c.1500, is also available in a third edition.
Special Combined Price: A Short History of the Middle Ages Volume I may be ordered together with Reading the Middle Ages Volume I at the special discounted price of $65.00 (CDN & US). In order to secure the package price, the following ISBN must be used when ordering: 978-1-44260-149-9.