Who are you? Who are they? Who are we? Why did this happen? And where do we go from here? These are the kinds of questions commonly asked as we try to find meaning—meaning in our purpose and meaning in our existence. Our species is engaged in a continual evolutionary process that causes us to question not only other humans and the things happening around us but also ourselves. Examining intent and motivation is a key component in the process of unraveling the mysteries associated with our existence in the here and now. The Insight on Astrology series is a tool we can utilize in getting answers and understanding context. Rooted in the tenets of metaphysics, this book, along with Young's two prior books, What's the Deal with My Sign and What's the Deal with Your Sign, is a part of a library of resources that may make you, as well as others, appreciate astrology, where seeking a deeper meaning beyond the generic and arbitrary is the ultimate goal. Given some of the rather profound challenges our species faces as we move further into the twenty-first century, your letting the Insight on Astrology III: Your Access and Guide to Context book be a part of your reading selection is indeed a wise choice. Though varied in our perception and behavior, we're nonetheless intractably interconnected, and Insight on Astrology III: Your Access and Guide to Context may be that beacon in mending it altogether, where it all simply makes sense. Enjoy, and may your reading be fulfilling!