This new edition of a classic work is written for educators invested in the moral imperative to do what's right for all students. The authors work from the mindset that PLC at Work(R) is a continuous process of school improvement. The result is a revelation of best practices affirmed by the latest research and a confirmation of the power of the three big ideas and four critical questions of this proven process.
Learn how to sustain the work of collaborative teams to ensure best practices in instruction, assessment, intervention, and more.
Chapter 1: New Insights Into Professional Learning Communities at Work
Chapter 2: The Case for Professional Learning Communities at Work
Chapter 3: The Challenge of Cultural Change
Chapter 4: The Four Pillars of a Professional Learning Community--Shared Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals
Chapter 5: Teaching in a Collaborative Culture
Chapter 6: Essential Learning and Assessment in a PLC
Chapter 7: Interventions and Extensions in a PLC
Chapter 8: The Role of the Principal in a PLC
Chapter 9: The Role of the Superintendent and the Central Office in a PLC
Chapter 10: How to Sustain the PLC Journey
References and Resources