The newest entry in the Angel Armies series is the most powerful and prophetic yet!
For decades, Dr. Tim Sheets has been world-renowned for his powerful teaching on angels and how God's people partner with their activity. Right now, a supernatural healing well is breaking open and for the first time, Tim Sheets is revealing prophetic insights and revelation passed down through the generations that will help you discern where we are on Heaven’s timeline and fulfill your divine destiny.
Tim Sheets grew up during the final years of the Healing Revival where he witnessed notable miracles first-hand that were firstfruits prophetic signs of the explosive future that history is moving towards.
Don’t miss out on powerful revelatory truths that will position you for victory in the coming days.
Angel Armies: God’s Supernatural Enforcers will reveal how to:
Features eye-opening teaching, prophetic words that are coming to pass, faith-building miracle testimonies, and 21 powerful decrees that activate God’s supernatural enforcers
The Earth is about to experience a deluge of unprecedented Holy Spirit outpouring. Discern what time it is in the Spirit and take your vital place in Heaven’s last-days campaign!