Educators spend an abundance of time planning and preparing lessons, but how often do we as educators stop to think about and analyze the overall outcomes of our lessons--retention of knowledge, the appropriateness of the strategies, learner engagement, etc. The Educator Reflection Tips series provokes in-depth analysis of your everyday instructional practices, provides insights into what research says should be included within all aspects of instruction, poses reflection questions to help readers determine the effectiveness of the educational approaches used, and Fowler-White has even included tools to use as you craft a plan to adopt, adapt, or enhance your current practices.
The distinctive format of the first volume in this series enables readers to choose their own path to attain knowledge. Unlike other educational books, each Reflection Tip is written independently from the others, so there is no need to read the text cover to cover as is the traditional method of content written for educators.
The three distinct clusters found within this volume include: #1 Content-driven Concepts which focuses on the instructional core and content-specific knowledge. #2 Classroom Competencies that outline instructional strategies educators can incorporate into their practice. #3 Classroom Culture which provides guidance for developing relationships and meeting the diverse needs of students.
Additionally, you will find the E.M.P.O.W.E.R. Feedback Framework which the author created to outline the steps educators should take to help students take ownership of their learning and a Summertime S.L.I.D.E. Toolkit to help combat learning loss. It's everything you need to elevate your instructional practice. Come reflect with me!!