Principles of Macroeconomics and Companion Website PLUS Package

By Karl E. Case, Ray C. Fair

Principles of Macroeconomics and Companion Website PLUS Package
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For the 1-semester freshman/sophomore course in Principles of Macroeconomics.

These two highly-respected economists and educators have revised this best-selling book to include more current topics and events while maintaining its hallmark features. The macro split has a SHORT RUN FIRST organization with updated data and policy issues throughout. The AD/AS MODEL IS PLACED LATE in the macro discussion.

Hallmark features include: the authors use three levels of explanation: "Stories, Graphs, and Equations" to make economic concepts accessible and relevant to students with various learning styles (verbal, visual, and numerical); unified and logical structure that carefully reveals the workings of the economy; unparalleled supplements package, the text supports both the instructor and the student through this first, often challenging, economics course.

If you want to teach with a principles text that brings out economic applications through real-world examples and news analysis articles then be sure to review Case and Fair's Principles of Economics 7/e.

If you prefer to introduce short run issues before long run issues, and fully develop the Keynesian Cross with integrated coverage between chapters before covering the AS/AD Model, examine Case and Fair's chapters 8-13.

Do you want to engage your students with coverage of the booms and busts of the Stock Market? If so, review Case and Fair's all new Chapter on the Stock Market and the Economy (16).

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