O! Relentless Death

By Lee Fearnside, Andrew Fearnside, MacKenzie Abernethy, Sara Archambault, Hakim Bellamy, Matt Bereza, Melissa Blake (Blogger), Sam Costello, Meg Doerr, Gene Grant, Deborah Haber, Holly Hey, Edmund B. Lingan, Meghan Irwin McCrum, Don McIver (Author), Patrick McLeod, Michelle Otero, Krista Petrosino, Kristin Knaus Satterlee, Arbra Dale Triplett, Sherry R. Truffin, Todd C. Truffin, Diana Wagner (Author), Donté Whisenant, Sarah Young (Author)

O! Relentless Death
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¿O! Relentless Death: Celebrity, Loss and Mourning¿ is an artist¿s book created by siblings Andrew and Lee Fearnside. This book mourns celebrities who died in 2016: David Bowie, Prince, Carrie Fisher, Gwen Ifill, Alan Rickman and 11 more. Relief print portraits are paired with personal narratives by 23 writers from around the country, including poet laureates, journalists, community organizers, professors and activists.