Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era

By Scott Appelrouth, Laura Desfor Edles

Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era
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[P.V.: CONTENTS] Contents List of Illustrations and Photos List of Figures and Tables About the Authors Preface 1. Introduction 2. Functionalism Talcott Parsons,?Categories of the Orientation and Organization of Action,? in Toward a General Theory of Action (1951) Talcott Parsons and Edward Shils,?Action Systems and Social Systems,? in The Systems of Modern Society (1971) Talcott Parsons,?Sex Roles in the American Kinship System? (1943) Robert Merton?Manifest and Latent Functions,? in Social Theory and Social Structure (1949)?Social Structure and Anomie,? in Social Theory and Social Structure (1949)?The Uses and Abuses of Classical Theory,? in On Theoretical Sociology (1967) 3. Critical Theories Max Horkheimer,?Rise and Decline of the Individual? from Eclipse of Reason (1947) Theodor Adorno,?The Culture Industry Reconsidered,? New German Critique (1975) Herbert Marcuse,?The New Forms of Control? from One Dimensional Man (1964) [CREATE SPECIAL BOX FOR ALL?SIGNIFICANT OTHERS? BASED ON H2] Significant Others C.W. Mills 4. Exchange Theory George Homans,?Social Behavior as Exchange,? American Journal of Sociology (1958) Peter Blau,?The Structure of Social Associations,? Exchange and Power in Social Life (1964) Significant Others Walter Benjamin 5. Symbolic Interactionism and Dramaturgy Herbert Blumer,?The Methodological Position of Symbolic Interactionism,? from Symbolic Interaction (1969) Erving Goffman, excerpts from The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (1959) excerpts from Interaction Ritual (1967) excerpts from Asylums (1961) Arlie Russell Hochschild,?Working on Feeling,? The Commercialization of Intimate Life (2003)?Gender, Status, and Feeling,? The Managed Heart (1983) Significant Others Sheldon Stryker 6. Phenomenology and Ethnomethodology Alfred Schutz, excerpts from The Phenomenology of the Social World (1967) Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann, excerpts from The Social Construction of Reality (1966) Harold Garfinkel, excerpts from Studies in Ethnomethodology (1967) 7. Feminist Theory Dorothy Smith, excerpts from, Institutional Ethnography (2005) The Everyday As Problematic: A Feminist Sociology (1987) Patricia Hill Collins, excerpts from Black Feminist Thought (2000/1990] Nancy Chodorow, excerpts from The Reproduction of Mothering (1978) Judith Butler,?Subjects of Sex/Gender/Desire,? in Gender Trouble (1999/1990) Significant Others Simone de Beauvoir and Betty Friedan 8. Post-Structuralist and Postmodern Theories, with David Boyns Michel Foucault, excerpts from Discipline and Punish (1975) Jean Baudrillard,?Simulacra and Simulation? (1981) Jean Lyotard,?The Postmodern Condition? (1979) 9. Contemporary Theoretical Syntheses Jurgen Habermas?The Tasks of a Critical Theory,? in The Theory of Communicative Action, V. 2 (1987)?Social Action and Rationality,? in The Theory of Communicative Action, V.1 (1984)?What Does a Crisis Mean Today: Legitimation Problems in Late Capitalism? Social Research 40 (1973) Pierre Bourdieu,?Social Space and the genesis of?classes,?? in Language and Symbolic Power (1984)?Outline of a sociological theory of art perception,? in The Field of Cultural Production (1989) Anthony Giddens excerpts from Consequences of Modernity (1990)?Elements of the theory of structuration,? in The Constitution of Society (1984) Significant Others Randall Collins 10. The Global Society Immanuel Wallerstein,?The rise and future demise of the world-capitalist system,? from The Modern World System (1974) Leslie Sklair, excerpts from Globalization: Capitalism and Its Alternatives (2002) Edward Said, excerpts from Orientalism (1978) Significant Others Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Significant Others Frantz Fanon References Index.

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