Thanks for picking up our latest young adult novel - Garden of Eve. We know you will enjoy reading it. It has action, mystery, supernatural events, and a cast of characters that includes, Columbian drug dealers, black ops, film producers, girlfriends, Hollywood movie stars, prisoners, and native Americans. It is a fast, fun, fantastic romp through the most Diverse state in the USA - Florida.
There is a lot of controversy regarding the existence of God and the creation of mankind (male and female). Did we evolve from another species or were we really made in the image and likeness of God? We certainly have many divine attributes; all humans need love, want to communicate, and have lives that mean something to themselves and others.
As you read through these pages remember this. The Creator doesn’t make mistakes. He loves you just as you are. He wants to have a relationship with you. “Call upon God while He may be found.” God the Son Jesus walked the earth, made lots of enemies and friends too and in the end was crucified for the sins of mankind. You are not a mistake; you have value to God – your life is more valuable than all the riches of the world.
We recently printed 100,000 of these books and sent them to prisons in the United States.
Brian Stewart