Labor and Employment Arbitration in a Nutshell

By Dennis R. Nolan

Labor and Employment Arbitration in a Nutshell
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Development of Labor and Employment Arbitration; Arbitration Procedure: Contractual Requirements, Types of Arbitration Systems, Selecting the Arbitrator, Preparation, Hearing, Post-Hearing Procedure; Variations on Traditional Arbitration: Expedited, Compulsory, Advisory, Interest Arbitration; New Applications, Public Sector, Higher Education, Professional Sports, Airlines, Individual Employment Arbitration; Legal Status: Common Law, Early Statutes, Section 301; Relationships Between Arbitrators, The NLRB, The Courts; Judicial Review; The Common Law of the Arbitration Process; Contractual Interpretation: Precedent, Arbitrability, Interpretive Principles; Subject Matter Discipline, Discharge, Management Rights, Seniority, Wages, Hours, Fringe Benefits, Subcontracting, Union Security, Occupational Safety, Health.

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