Coaching Girls' Basketball

By Sandy Simpson

Coaching Girls' Basketball
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Coach Girls for Success on and off the Court
Coaching girls' basketball is a blast! Witness a well-executed fast break, an intense defense, or a team's unbridled enthusiasm, and you can't help but be inspired. The effort, pride, and enjoyment on the girls' faces are great rewards for parents and often the signs of a good coach—the type of coach you want to be. So how can you get there?
Perfect for coaches of girls up to age 13, Coachng Girls' Basketball includes everything you need to be an outstanding coach and mentor to your players. Whether you are a seasoned coach looking to fine-tune your skills or a rookie eager to take the court running, you'll discover techniques for success that are tailored specifically to the needs of girls, including:
·Drills and strategies for coaches new to the world of coaching basketball
·Tips on what girls want and need from their basketball experience
·Practical suggestions on how to motivate in a positive and encouraging way
·Advice for helping girls deal with their changing bodies
·And much more!
Now, you can be a coaching winner and help bring out the best in your players, both on the court and in the game of life.

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