Developing Portfolios in Education

By Ruth S. Johnson, J. Sabrina Mims-Cox, Adelaide Doyle-Nichols

Developing Portfolios in Education
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Developing Portfolios in Education, Second Edition, walks teachers through the practical aspects of creating portfolios and demonstrates how they can be used as an action research tool for reflection and professional development. Authors Ruth S. Johnson, J. Sabrina Mims-Cox, and Adelaide Doyle-Nichols include checklists, visuals, organizational strategies, and hands-on tools to help readers through every step of developing a professional portfolio.

Key Features

  • Emphasizes the role of standards as they apply to portfolio content and evaluation
  • Includes chapter-opening scenarios that offer real-world examples of portfolio development

New to This Edition

  • Presents a chapter that links portfolio development to action research
  • Contains updated material on electronic portfolio development
  • Provides new step-by-step descriptions of the portfolio process written specifically for teachers

Accompanying Student Resources on CD provide video clips of portfolio presentations, sample electronic portfolios for elementary and secondary teaching credential candidates, PowerPoint slides, tables, templates, and links to Web sites.

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