Dr. B. S. Khaire (M. Sc. Ph. D) is working as Associate Professor and Head Dept. of Zoology at Anandrao Dhonde Alias Babaji Mahavidyalaya Kada Dist. Beed (MS).
He has 29 years teaching Experience at Undergraduate level. He as good academic career with extensive research experience of 12 years. He has completed two Minor Research Projects successfully. He has been working as Ph. D. Supervisor in the Faculty of Science and Technology. He has published 33 Research papers in reputed National and International Journals and presented 18 research papers in national and international conferences, seminars. He has been working as a Member of Board of Studies in Zoology, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad.He is Life member of Indian Science Congress ISCA) , Indian Association of Aquatic Biologists (IAAB) Hyderabad, National Journal of Life Sciences (NJLS) Satna (MP).He has been Awarded with Fellow of National Journal of Life Sciences (NJLS) Satna MP). He is working as a Coordinator of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) since 2003.He has been Awarded Bharatratna Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam International Honour Award 2021 by Universal Research Ground Research Journal on 5th Sept. 2021 and also Awarded as Excellent IQAC Coordinator by Thakur College of Science and Commerce, Andheri, Mumbai on 27 mar. 2022.
Dr. Ganjure Ravindra Sonaji is working as Assistant professor at Department of Zoology at Anandrao Dhonde Alias Babaji Mahavidyalaya Kada since 2019. He has 03 years Teaching Experience at Undergraduate level. He has been published 04 research papers in reputed national and international journals. He has been awarded Ph. D. Degree in Mar. 2013 by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabd.