Hemodynamics and Cardiology, a volume in Dr. Polin's Neonatology: Questions and Controversies Series, offers expert authority on the toughest cardiovascular challenges you face in your practice. This medical reference book will help you provide better evidence-based care and improve patient outcomes with research on the latest advances.
- Reconsider how you handle difficult practice issues with coverage that addresses these topics head on and offers opinions from the leading experts in the field, supported by evidence whenever possible.
- Find information quickly and easily with a consistent chapter organization.
- Get the most authoritative advice available from world-class neonatologists who have the inside track on new trends and developments in neonatal care.
- Purchase each volume individually, or get the entire 6-volume set, which includes online access that allows you to search across all titles!
- Stay current in practice with coverage on issues such as the clinical implications of near-infrared spectroscopy in neonates, MRI imaging and neonatal hemodynamics, and hybrid management techniques for congenital heart disease.
- Access the fully searchable text online at www.expertconsult.com.