Is Jesus Lord?

By Peter Ollerhead

Is Jesus Lord?
Available for 1.5 USD

"Why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord', and do not do the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46) are the telling words of Jesus. This booklet sets out the biblical view of the Lordship of Christ and challenges us to examine our response to His Lordship.

The word Lord implies power, authority and control. Throughout the Lord's life in this world we have numerous recorded instances where His power, authority and control was demonstrated. The Lord being a man in this world in no way reduced His deity, but we see demonstrated in Him the fullness of divine capabilities, though in restraint.

The death and resurrection of Jesus is but another clear demonstration of the Lordship of Jesus. Lordship is bound up in the gospel message, as the jailor at Philippi discovered when the words of salvation were proclaimed, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved".

Finally the author reminds us that in terms of Lordship Jesus has no equal in the whole of creation and the book of revelation highlights this truth when Jesus is made known as "King of kings and Lord of lords".

The author closes by considering the practical impact of Jesus as Lord for my life as a Christian. Is Jesus MY Lord?

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