France and Belgium, 1939-1940

By Brian Bond

France and Belgium, 1939-1940
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Engelsk/fransk militærhistorie/historie. Om Frankrig og Belgien - og Englands - situation i 1939-1940, fra starten på 2. Verdenskrig og "the Phony War"--Den lange "stille" periode inden tyskernes invasion i Belgien og Frankrig og den tyske sejrrige Blitzkrieg maj-juni 1940. Bogen handler ikke så meget om selve krigsbegivenhederne, men søger at analysere og forklare baggrunden - bl.a. ud fra Belgiens erklærede neutralitet (i 1936) og de mildt sagt slingrende politisk/militære/strategiske forhold i årene op til Frankrigs fald og evakueringen i hast af resterne af the British Expeditionary Force via Dunkirk/Dunkerque. "The aim of this series is to examine the background to some of the more significant campaigns and to assess their impact on the course and outcome of the war as whole"--"to what extent were the disparate struggles pursued by Britain, France and Belgium responsible for the overwhelming defeat of the Allied armies in 1940?". Bogen er opdelt i følgende afsnit: I: The Commitment of BEF, British Expeditionary Force, to Europe before the Second World War. II: The Mechelen Incident and its Aftermath. III: Anglo-French Strategy and the Problem of Belgian Neutrality. IV: The Isolation of the Allied Armies in Belgium. V: The Failure of the Weygand Plan and the Belgian Surrender. VI: The Miracle of Dunkirk and the Collapse of the Alliance. VII: Chief Dramatis Personae.

Book Details

  • Country: US
  • Published: 1975
  • Publisher: Davis-Poynter
  • Author(s):Brian Bond
  • Language: English
  • Pages: 206
  • Available Formats:
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