La vida de Valentín quedó partida a la mitad una noche de viernes. Con el filo de un hacha, el crimen cortó los lazos que le unían a su escuela, a sus amistades, a su país. Tuvo que escapar, junto a su familia, hacia un lugar seguro. Ha llegado a Francia. Ahí no tiene amigos y no parece que vaya a tenerlos. En México, lo buscan sus enemigos.
La solución se esconde donde se juntan sus dos patrias.ENGLISH DESCRIPTION
Valentin's life was cut in half one Friday night. With the edge of an axe, crime severed the ties that bound him to his school, to his friends, to his country. He had to flee with his family to safety. He has arrived in France. He has no friends there and it doesn't look like he's going to have any. In Mexico, his enemies are looking for him.
The solution lies where their two homelands meet.