I have been one of the few lucky ones who have been able, until today, to know the narration of a life lived in the kitchen, seasoned with juicy recipes and full of love affairs, which shows us, with little intention on his part, the small history of Spain for more than fifty years. Years of struggle, heartaches and small pleasures that, if, as it happens to me, your gray hair has adorned you for too long, it will reflect you as in an old, somewhat distorting, fairground mirror. And if you are lucky enough to have a very long and happy life ahead of you, they will show you a society that may surprise you with a naïve vivacity and tolerance that many today insist on denying.
This book -my poor transcription of his words- intends to correct that unjust oblivion, that of his life and that of many others, making his memoirs full of passion and irony available to everyone.
Ah, don't forget to enjoy the recipes.