Getting started with Laravel 11 Livewire 3

By Andres Cruz

Getting started with Laravel 11 Livewire 3
Available for 12.43 USD

Laravel is a fascinating framework, huge and with a somewhat steep learning curve and with multiple options; this book is not for beginners and assumes that you already know how to program in Laravel.

Laravel Livewire takes Laravel development a step further; automating routine processes in very flexible schemes based on components, Livewire components that allow us to communicate client and server in a very simple, efficient and easy way.

Laravel Livewire is not a framework, it is just a layer or scaffolding that adds certain extra features to the framework that we can use to create great applications, with less effort and development time.


We are going to give a brief introduction about Laravel Livewire.

We are going to create our project in Laravel Livewire.

We present the characteristics that a project created in Laravel Livewire has; team management, API Tokens, and authentication, are some of them.

We are going to create a simple CRUD type application and get to know all the elements of Livewire such as handling forms, views and directives through the Livewire components.

We are going to work on the style, improving the created application so that it looks like another Laravel Livewire module.

We are going to learn about the communication between Livewire components based on events; detect changes in properties of the component class from the view and know the Laravel Livewire JavaScript.

We are going to create the CRUD for the posts.

We are going to create filters and search fields for a listing taking advantage of the benefits of Livewire.

We are going to create sort fields for the column listing.

We will get to know everything that Livewire offers us in JavaScript and combine it with other plugins, we will know the hooks in JavaScript, consume properties, functions and use of events.

We are going to learn about some extra features of Laravel Livewire properties, such as customizing the update phase of wire:models, such as the use of computed properties.

We are going to create a simple blog-type application with a list with filters and search and detail fields.

We are going to create a shopping cart in the session and database, for which, we will see communication between components, sending events, toast type plugin to show messages confirming the operation carried out, with listeners of the events from JavaScript.

We are going to show the code of an application created with Alpine.js to create a to do list component.

We are going to adapt the Alpine.js application presented in the previous chapter, to work in conjunction with Livewire.

We will learn how to create unit and integration tests in the application we created previously using PHPUnit.

By the end of the book, you will have the knowledge to create any basic application with Livewire and know more than just the basics of it.

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