I-PEEL: The International Political Economy of Everyday Life provides a new introduction to the field of IPE by locating it in our daily experiences. By using topics such as social media, debt, food, and clothes as thematic entry points, this textbook shows how concepts from IPE can be used to understand and question the world around you.
Eight core chapters each start with a discussion of an everyday object or practice linked to that topic, including social media influencing, student debt, chocolate, and fast fashion. From there the chapters open out to discuss broader questions that speak to the core themes of IPE and its study of power, wealth, and global capitalism. Each chapter ends with a pair of learning activities, such as creating your own meme (chapter 8, Humour), to help apply what you have read. These are accompanied by student-voice podcasts, in which current IPE students discuss how they approached the activity.
Developed by the creators of the popular teaching tool www.i-peel.org: I-PEEL: The International Political Economy of Everyday Life is a ground-breaking, exciting, and engaging new approach to IPE that places you at the centre of knowledge production.
The first edition includes a wealth of embedded digital resources, which are accessible through the enhanced e-book, and are viewable in a university's VLE.
The online student resources include:
- Videos from the authors introducing the I-PEEL approach
- Quickfire quiz questions
- Author chapter-introduction podcasts
- Reflective multiple-choice questions
- Support for tackling the chapter's learning activities
- Student reflection podcasts
- Web links to relevant blogs, debates, and videos
- An interactive flashcard glossary
The online digital lecturer resources include:
- A guide to the I-PEEL approach
- Customisable PowerPoint slides