"Learn Internet Relay Chat (2nd Ed.)" is an introduction to the popular interactive online communications forum found on the Internet. The unusual feature of IRC is the ability to immediately communicate through the multi-user, multichannel communication system with many people. Toyer's title provides an in-depth treatment to IRC with special attention to Internet etiquette as well as the popular IRC programs mIRC and Pirch, with detail on the enhancements to these important software programs since the first edition of the book. Advanced tips, tricks, and techniques have been added to the second edition on how to more effectively use mIRC and Pirch. Both mIRC and Pirch are included on the CD.
IRC (Internet relay chat) is an extremely popular and unique communications forum on the Internet not frequently detailed in a tutorial. Kathryn Toyer provides an innovative and competitive treatment of the topic, emphasizing not only the basics of the communications forum but also some of the more advanced features of the popular mIRC and Pirch software programs.