
By Richard L. Hasen

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Examples & Explanations: Remedies will be a new student favorite with its tried-and-true E&E format. This problem-oriented guide is designed and organized to complement any major remedies casebook and build student comprehension in a carefully constructed, step-by-step approach. It explains remedies, policies and rules, and uses examples to show how lawyers and judges apply the rules to formulate concrete solutions to disputes. Offering a logical and guided format, this valuable supplemental source for your students: covers the areas included in most remedies courses, including damages, injunctions, and restitution, as well as other important topics such as declaratory judgments, punitive damages, and remedial defenses; builds student understanding step-by-step, moving from the basics to the more complex and allowing students to apply the law to particular fact patterns; allows students to study chapters in any order; demystifies the language of remedies using straightforward and student-friendly examples, charts, and illustrations; shows students how to "do the math" related to issues such as computing compensatory damages, present value, and constructive trusts; offers compatibility with all major remedies books, including those that approach remedies through public law and those that approach it through private law; remains the only book in the field to provide both black letter law and examples and answers to build student knowledge; the level of complexity builds as examples continue in each chapter; discusses major remedies cases ( Hadley v. Baxendale ; State Farm v. Campbell ; Sullivan v. O'Connor ), provides detailed coverage of the draft Restatement (Third) of Restitution, and gives detailed analyses of remedies issues under Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code

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