Two-day National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering, Science, Technology and Management (NCRTESTM-2017) provided a unique platform for academicians, teaching fraternity, scholars, students of technical education and industry experts to share & get benefited from mutual exchange of knowledge in the field of Engineering Science, Technology and Management. It is the first of its kind organized at Rajiv Gandhi Government Polytechnic, Itanagar in particular and in the State of Arunachal Pradesh in the field of Diploma Technical Education. The National Conference is organized under North East Quality Improvement Programme (NEQIP) sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi, MHRD, GOI. The various themes included in the conference cover the most important areas of Engineering Science, Technology and Management so that every faculty member of the institution is having a fair opportunity to participate and get benefitted from the mutual exchange of knowledge. The conference witnessed good participation from the authors/researchers/scholars/