Advanced and Critical Care Oncology Nursing

By Cynthia C. Chernecky, Barbara J. Berger

Advanced and Critical Care Oncology Nursing
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This new "how-to" book for assessing and treating patients with primary complications associated with cancer, includes guidance for managing oncologic emergencies, fluid and electrolyte complications, body organ dysfunctions and associated ethical problems. Written and reviewed by experts in both oncology and critical care nursing, the book addresses every body system, age group and type of cancer.
  • Each chapter follows a consistent format, providing content on pathophysiology, assessment, prognosis and treatment, the nursing process, nursing diagnoses, frequently asked questions and answers, discharge criteria, teaching topics, and home care needs. Multiple choice review questions are included at the end of each chapter.
  • Chapters include highlighted text boxes with information specific to pediatric clients, where relevant.
  • Prognosis statistics enable readers to recognize the survival possibilities for clients and plan care accordingly. Cited where available are NCI and current literature statistics.
  • Test questions and answers with rationales reinforce chapter content and prepare readers for specialty certification exams.
  • A chapter on nursing ethics, written by national experts in the field, assists readers in handling ethical dilemmas and offers a framework for ethical reasoning. A case study example complements the theory-based chapter.
  • A disease site cross-reference, a systems cross-reference, and a types of cancer index provide quick, convenient access to important information.
  • The nursing process, nursing interventions, and care plan approach are all based on current literature, NCI statistics, and research.
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