Political Science Research Methods

By Janet Buttolph Johnson, H. T. Reynolds, Jason D. Mycoff

Political Science Research Methods
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"This is a solid text that walks students through the entire process of empirical, quantitative research methods in political science without being too math-heavy. Students will be able to read this book and come away with an increased understanding of how we use research methods in political science."
—Amanda M. Rosen, Webster University

Understand the "how" and the "why" behind research in political science.

Political Science Research Methods helps students to understand the logic behind research design by guiding them through a step-by-step process that explains when and why a researcher would pursue different kinds of methods. The highly anticipated Ninth Edition of this trusted resource provides more international examples, an increased focus on the role ethics play in the research process, increased attention to qualitative research methods, and expanded coverage on the role of the internet in research and analysis.

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