Keep On Keepin' On

By Josaphat-Robert Large

Keep On Keepin' On
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Josaphat-Robert Large is a well known Francophone poet. As fresh as the morning dew, his verses cull their essence from the multicultural tapestry found throughout the Caribbean Islands. In French as in Creole, Large's poetry translates the day-to-day expressions of the people from these picturesque lands, all the while transmitting the essential qualities of authentic poetical forms.

Large is also a Novelist and his latest Les terres entourées de larmes (L'Harmattan, Paris, 2002) (Lands surrounded by tears), won the first Price of the best French Caribbean Book for the year 2003. The author divides his time between his native Haiti and his residence of adoption: New York City.


I am here
Painting a picture with a verbal brush
I'm gonna put the color of dawn in it
With a piece of sky
And a beautiful bougainvillea
Under a bit of a brand-new sun

Many tiny beads of rain are tickling the horizon
A group of miniature houses on stilts are dancing
Along the sea
I'm gonna draw a beautiful dream!

J-R.L (p.69)

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