All Children Read

By Charles Temple, Donna Ogle, Alan Crawford, Penny Freppon

All Children Read
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A practical and applied K-8 reading methods book with a focus on new literacies and developmental, cultural, and linguistic diversities.

Written by one of the most dynamic author teams in the field of reading and literacy, All Children Read, Fifth Edition, continues to offer K-8 teachers the best practices for developing reading and writing in all students. As with earlier editions, six critical themes are interwoven throughout: the struggling reader; family/community literacy; new literacies; writing and reading connections; developmental, cultural, and linguistic diversity; and phonics/phonological awareness. The fifth edition further integrates Common Core State Standards and Response to Intervention (RTI), includes separate chapters on teaching reading fluency and vocabulary, emphasizes the teaching of English Learners, and equips teachers-in-training with the foundational knowledge they will need for their professional qualifying examinations. This focus on contemporary and critical learning prepares future teachers for the demands of helping all students succeed in the classroom.

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