Greetings, friends,
Is Jesus the Lord of your life? If you have the Son Jesus, you have Eternal Life. Put your faith in the facts of the Holy Bible...“Behold, all things have become new,” to anyone who puts their faith in these facts. In your head, you may have doubts. In your heart, you are a believer. It’s a fact, “God will never leave you or forsake you.” God said it! I believe it! That settles it!
What were you before you became a Christian? What is your story? Let’s continually give thanks and praise to God! God is real! God is wonderful! God is awesome! It doesn’t logically make sense. This we do know. Either God is who He claims to be or the greatest impostor the world has ever known. And if God be an impostor, then we have before us the only case in world history in which a lie has produced more good than the Truth.
The Holy Bible contains some of the greatest statements concerning the understanding of life and God. It is considered by many, to be one, if not the greatest Book ever authored. Its grand subject is the declaration of the existence of a Divine God. On that existence depends everything.
There are those who reject this view. They insist that the acceptance of the Doctrine proclaiming the existence of Deity is absurd and illogical. We all have varied points of view, but in the end, we may still stand firm on our own personal beliefs and convictions.
Thank you.
Karen Kay Pickering