The world's most effective CPA exam prep system – Financial Accounting and Reporting module
Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review is the world's most trusted study guide for the Certified Public Accountant's exam – complete, comprehensive, and updated to align with the latest exam content. With 2,800 practice questions and solutions across four volumes, the unique modular format helps you organize your study program, zeroing in on areas that need work. This volume, Financial Accounting and Reporting, contains all current AICPA content requirements, providing total coverage of this section of the exam. You'll get detailed outlines and study tips, simulation and multiple choice questions, and skill-building problems that have made this guide the most effective CPA prep system for over thirty years.
The uniform CPA exam is updated annually to include new laws, regulations, and guidelines, so it's important that your study guide be up to date as well. Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review is updated annually to reflect the latest version of the exam, and is the number-one bestselling CPA study guide in the world because it provides full, comprehensive coverage of all exam content, and more practice questions than any other guide – many of which are taken directly from past exams. The unique format allows you to: