When we think of the great dynasties, that ruled in ancient India, the first to come to mind are the Maurya (circa 324 BC - 187 BC) and the Imperial Gupta (circa 319 AD - 550 AD) dynasties.
The Imperial Guptas were fortunate, in that they had a succession of great rulers - Chandragupta I the founder, Samudragupta the empire builder, Chandragupta II the conqueror of the Sakas, Kumaragupta I the able administrator, and Skandagupta the vanquisher of the Hunas.
In the present work, I have tried to present an outline of the history of those later contemporaries and successors of the Imperial Guptas, who have been cursed to live in the shadow of the Imperial Gupta giants. These include the Aulikaras, Hunas, Vakatakas, Nalas, Sarabhapuriyas, Later Guptas, Maukharis, Pushpabhutis, Sasanka of Gauda, and Yasovarman of Kanauj. In this selection, I have left myself open to accusations of commission and omission; but that, I feel, is the author's prerogative, not easily to be trifled with.
I wish to put on record, my thanks to Prof K K Thaplyal, for always being there for me. A word of gratitude is due the readers of WebGuruCool Indological Studies 1, for their overwhelming response. My family (Nidhi, Kumar Aishvarya, Pratichi, and Purvi) and my students took a great interest in the preparation of this work, and helped me complete it in double the time it would otherwise have taken. I dedicate this book to the newest addition to my very own Olympus, my son-in-law, Kumar Aishvarya.
Prashant Srivastava,
Professor of Ancient Indian History and Archaeology,
University of Lucknow, Lucknow.