Pen, Ink and Watercolor Sketching 2 – Temples of Cambodia

By Shirish Deshpande

Pen, Ink and Watercolor Sketching 2 – Temples of Cambodia
Available for 9.99 USD

Let’s re-create the lost world of the ancient kings through pen, ink, and watercolor sketching.

Cambodia is a land of rich heritage, ancient mystique and tragic contemporary history. Nevertheless, as peace returned to Cambodia for the last two decades, the ancient temples in the city of Siem Reap found themselves back on the world’s tourist map.

Siem Reap is home to many ancient Hindu and Buddhist temples. These temples are an example of some of the most breathtaking architecture and incredible artwork.

I traveled to Siem Reap in 2019 to visit these temples and experience sketching them on-location. The trip proved to be an enriching and meditative experience for me. I also realized that drawing and painting the illustrations of these ancient temples was an equally delightful and challenging experience.

In this book, you will learn to draw and paint 10 illustrations of various temples in Cambodia using pen, ink, and watercolor through step-by-step demonstrations. All the illustrations use the reference photographs that I clicked while visiting the temples. Every demonstration describes the thought process behind and description of every step. Wherever necessary, I have discussed compositional considerations and perspective, and the materials used.

You will learn the art of pen, ink, and watercolor sketching via the following ten demonstrations. Scenes from three of the most famous temples of Cambodia are used for these demonstrations.

Ta Phrom (also known as The Tomb Raider temple) – The Roots

Ta Phrom – The Main Gate

Ta Phrom – The Ruins

Angkor Wat – The Stairs

Angkor Wat – The Inner Ruins

Angkor Wat – The Library Building

Bayon Temple – The Entry Gate

Bayon Temple – The Faces of the Kings

Bayon Temple – The Buddha Statue

Ta Phrom – Some More Roots

For many wannabe artists, the main hurdle it to begin the initial line sketch and getting the perspective right. To get rid of these hurdles, the reference photographs, rough sketches, compositional sketches, and the final illustrations are given as free downloadable resources. You may use these resources to trace over the linework or use these references to give your unique spin to your artwork. The book will guide you about using these free resources to quickstart your drawing process.

As a bonus, many sketches/paintings that I did on-location in those temples are also given. I have also shared some unique and interesting experiences I had while doing the on-location sketches.

So, get ready to embark on an exciting and fulfilling journey of sketching with me.

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