Praise for the first edition:
"One of my biggest complaints when I teach introductory statistics classes is that it takes me most of the semester to get to the good stuff--inferential statistics. The author manages to do this very quickly....if one were looking for a book that efficiently covers basic statistical methodology and also introduces statistical software [this text] fits the bill." -The American Statistician
Applied Statistical Inference with MINITAB, Second Edition distinguishes itself from other introductory statistics textbooks by focusing on the applications of statistics without compromising mathematical rigor. It presents the material in a seamless step-by-step approach so that readers are first introduced to a topic, given the details of the underlying mathematical foundations along with a detailed description of how to interpret the findings, and are shown how to use the statistical software program Minitab to perform the same analysis.
This book is written to be user-friendly for students and practitioners who are not experts in statistics, but who want to gain a solid understanding of basic statistical inference. This book is oriented towards the practical use of statistics. The examples, discussions, and exercises are based on data and scenarios that are common to students in their everyday lives.