Don't Make Me Turn This Van Around!

By Alexandra Lytle

Don't Make Me Turn This Van Around!
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One of my sons is hairy—very hairy. We are talking Sasquatch-league hair on chest, stomach, and back, hair that could be parted and styled, and it started when he was about twelve. He was self-conscious about it and would often try different ways to remove it...much to the delight of his siblings, who would watch and offer advice. His nickname was Silverback.
Welcome to the wonderful world of the Lytle family, where hitting puberty earns you nicknames, Nana deems grandkids 'dorks,' the pets are in perpetual toddler danger—and everyone's having a blast!
Which is the grossest?
A. Grandma in a bikini
B. Jiggling belly fat
C. Licking a cat
D. All of the above
If you picked D, you are correct! Being normal is overrated (and hard to maintain), so the Lytle clan just lets the chips fall where they may! These snapshots of their daily lives will leave you laughing or gagging...or both! If you have ever felt like your family was the only one that seemed a little odd, take heart! After reading Don't Make Me Turn This Van Around!, you'll think your loved ones are utter bores!

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