Definitive resource for implementing, sustaining, and evaluating schoolwide cluster grouping, fully revised and expanded. In today’s standards-driven era, how can teachers motivate and challenge gifted students and ensure that all students reach their potential? This book provides a compelling answer: the Schoolwide Cluster Grouping Model. The authors explain how the model differs from grouping practices of the past, and they present a roadmap for implementing, sustaining, and evaluating schoolwide cluster grouping. Readers will find a wealth of teacher-tested classroom strategies along with detailed information on identifying gifted students for clusters, gaining support from parents, and providing ongoing professional development to teachers and other staff. The new edition:
- offers identification and placement guidance for a wide variety of student ages and populations
- directs special attention toward empowering gifted English language learners
- shows teachers how to use the Depth of Knowledge framework to differentiate learning tasks
- offers new ideas for integrating technology into both professional development and student learning
The Cluster Grouping Handbook offers a guide for schools to create a workable, defensible gifted program; to simplify teachers’ jobs; and to maximize learning for all students. Digital content includes customizable forms from the book and a PDF presentation; a free PLC/Book Study Guide is also available.