Hell on Trial

By John Muhia Karanja

Hell on Trial
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Hell is the most misunderstood doctrine by Christians throughout the world. This book deals with issues that I believe the Bible teaches and that are lamentably dismissed by many churches as heresy. These include:?Humans were created with the potential to become mortal or immortal beings. As a result of the Fall humans acquired a mortal nature. ?Immortality is God?s gift to the righteous. The wicked lack immortality and will be annihilated. Death and not hell is the final destiny of the wicked. ?When people die their whole being ceases to exist. Their souls do not continue to live in an intermediate state as is believed by many Christians and non-Christians. At death God withdraws his power of life resulting in cessation of being. This is why a resurrection is needed. ?The dead has no concept of time?there is no time between death and resurrection. ?At the resurrection, people will be restored back to the earthly nature. The Saints will be transformed and clothed with immortality while the wicked will be annihilated. Rev. Dr. John Muhia Karanja the author of this book is a Presbyterian Church Minister. He is married to Ann and has three children.

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