A devotional charge for spiritual men and women who need to restart their batteries in order to have a daily walk with God.
Fathers! Husbands! Spiritual leaders! Listen to what I am about to say! I am about to charge your spiritual awareness like you have never been charged before. So stand up and show your family you are up for the challenge. The first thing we are going to do is teach you how to put God first. Next, we are going to discuss the differences between a Godly, spiritual leader and a sinful one. Then, we are going to show you how your actions can affect your family unit and home. Last, but certainly not least, we are going to laugh a little. So what are you waiting for? Are you ready for a devotional book unlike anything you have experienced? From Genesis to Revelation, from home to work; we probe, compare, and discuss various aspects of spiritual leaders who have lived this with success and failures.